Our expert Occupational Therapy team can provide you with a fast and responsive service, tailor made to the needs of your residents.
A range of services covering areas such as:
Our approach is to look at the needs of both cares and residents, and the equipment and techniques in use. A comprehensive risk assessment is provided with recommendations and a moving and handling plan going forward.
Many residents in care homes suffer from long term disabilities and mobility problems. As a result, prolonged periods of time are spent sitting in wheelchairs or chairs, which if unsuitable can result in discomfort, poor posture, and pressure sores. Our Seating assessments can help to identify the most suitable seating options for residents which meet their functional and postural needs.
Our dedicated team can review existing equipment in use for residents or assess for new equipment to meet a resident`s changing needs. This can be equipment such as hoists, or shower chairs and other types of bathing equipment
Our team can assist you with achieving an optimal set up for existing or new residents, covering areas of accessibility and ensuring compliance with regulatory frameworks.
Learning Disability Care Home Case Study
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